If you are looking for psychotherapy in English (psychoterapia po angielsku), you are in the right place.
We offer you online therapy or in-person psychotherapy in Gdańsk. We work mainly in the field of cognitive-behavioral (the first psychotherapy largely identified as evidence-based) and dialectical-behavioral therapy. If you feel you need changes in life, please contact us via email:
Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is effective in working with problems such as: depression, anxiety disorders, social phobia, panic attacks, obsessions, sleep disorders. Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) addressed mainly to people struggling with emotion dysregulation, emotional crises, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
psychotherapist WORKING IN ENGLISH

M. Sc. in psychology Urszula Maćkowiak‐Tomasińska
She gained experience working in Great Britain and Poland in a closed psychiatric ward, in intervention centers, and in foundations supporting people in mental crisis, as well as people experiencing various forms of violence.
She constantly expands her knowledge by participating in training and workshops. For over a dozen years she has worked with people in various types of crises, from different cultures and followers of different religions.
Price: 280 PLN each consultation/session.
To book an appointment contact us via email: